Stephens Natatorium (Pool)



Changes in the above schedule are subject to occur with little to no notice.

Inclement Weather Policy:

The pool will temporarily close whenever lightning is detected within a 10-mile radius. Each lightning occurrence will extend the closure by 30 minutes for safety reasons. Thank you for your cooperation.

Printable pool schedule Click here. 

For real-time updates, subscribe to the REMIND app. Simply text @saymca3 to 81010

All swimmers younger than 16 years of age must take a swim test annually to utilize the deep end.

The swim test is as follows: Enter water by jumping in and surfacing to the top, tread water for 60 seconds, swim the length of the pool consistently and unassisted, showing a front crawl stroke, and float on the back, showing the skill is efficient.

Group Fitness Classes:

Activities indicated in BLUE are instructor-led classes. The participants in these classes must have the ability to see and hear the instructor with no distractions. Please be considerate of others and the ongoing activities. Certain classes might have specific area designated for open swim. Kindly remain within these designated zones; in case of increasing class sizes, the open swim area may be restricted to accommodate group fitness sessions.

Hot Tub:

On alternate Thursdays of every month, the hot tub will be closed from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. for routine cleaning and maintenance.

Please note that these timings and days are subject to potential changes.

Contact the Welcome Center at 325.655.9106 for more information!